Thursday, August 10, 2006

Email Addresses

John Valincius details the pros and cons of various email services in The Trend's article, "Choose an E-mail Address That You Can Live With".

The email address(es) your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides can be quickly and easily accessed, but is not transferable if you switch your ISP. America On-Line (AOL), sells unrestricted access to email inboxes to known spammers and are immune to spam blockers.

While Google, Yahoo and Microsoft provide sizable storage, are free and easily accessible, they are often subjective to abusive advertising and some workplaces are able to block access to them.

The final option is setting up your own email account on the Web, which won't be blocked by an employer and can last a lifetime. There are fees for registering and keeping a domain name, but it becomes less expensive with extended registration.

Personalized e-mail can create a professional online presence, and is a sure way to build a stronger business.

[For $139 Nitrum, LLC (, one of the professional computer consulting agencies, can help you create your own email account, if the process seems too daunting.]

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