Saturday, April 08, 2006

Russian Children's Circus Shows Us The Results of Dedication and Presentation

14 children and 4 adult performers held our attention captivated for an evening of delightful dancing, juggling, and acrobatic feats at the Upper Darby High School. On stage, the children did 98% of the work; the adults spotted dangerous flips and introduced acts.

I couldn't help admiring the dedication it took these perfomers to achieve their levels of prowess. For example, at one point the ringmaster invited eight audience members to participate in a short stunt. Four adults and four children were individually coached to take tiny steps on top of a Swiss ball and walk it four or five feet forward on the stage. The demonstration lasted less than 5 minutes as one participant after another was helped on top of the giant rubber ball and then flopped hopelessly to one side or the other, supported by the strong spotters on either side holding their arm and encouraging them forward.

As the last of the audience members made their way to the stairs leading off stage, the ring master blew his whistle and out came the children performers. One pair of 5-6 year olds trotted out from each side entrance on top of their Swiss balls juggling. Another pair came out juggling pins. Yet another pair came out jumping rope on top of their balls. Then they performed to music and guided their balls around each other with utter precision, grace, and style.

The contrast with the unrehearsed audience members who looked so awkward just moments ago could not be more dramatic!

Idea for business owners: Identify an aspect of your business that you do particularly well and buff it to the level of performance art. It can make a positive impression on your clients.

For instance, I've learned quite a few pointers from a fellow consultant who is a virtuoso of proposals. Alan Weiss, who is CEO of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, generates business proposals with breathtaking speed, penetrating clarity, and flourishes that are sometimes worthy of a standing ovation.

What can you do to differentiate yourself from your competition?

Can you raise the level of your game to the point that people will talk about it?

Let's find out.

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