Thursday, June 14, 2007

To Infinity and Beyond! Email services compete to provide unlimited storage.

To Infinity and Beyond! Email services compete to provide unlimited storage.

In The Wall Street Journal article, Web-Based Services Give Email Users a Taste of the Infinite Lee Gomes acknowledges Yahoo’s plans to give “free unlimited storage” as a stretch. Competing with Gmail’s previously unparalleled 1-2 gigabytes of free storage, Yahoo’s storage space ends at some point, but believes most users will never be able to reach the limit.

Email brings users into contact with all the services and products Web companies provide, says Gomes, making email a key part of their business strategies. Yahoo, Google and Microsoft have all created their emails according to their company needs.

Despite Yahoo’s increase in storage space, Gomes’s testing still found sending big files to be problematic. As improvements continue to be made however, Yahoo will address the issue.

The battle for perception is a very costly one to fight, but necessary sometimes when you want to build a stronger business.

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